
Surya yantra

Original price was: ₹2,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,100.00.

If you have the period of Sun in your horoscope or you have Leo rashi you must get this yantra and perform Surya Gaytri mantra or Surya beej mantra minimum 27 times in front of this Yantra to ward off the evil effect of sun. Its is help full if you have hair fall or heart problem.


Surya /Sun is the primary luminary and represents authority. Surya/ sun is also taken as an ascendant for the predictions and also considered in Sudarshan Chakra as one of the lagna. So its a very important planet which has to remain positive for us, Surya Yantra enhances the peace of mind and provides favor from superiors, officers and the government. It increases the power of one’s birth chart and it helps to ward off the effects of a malefic sun. It also helps to increase one’s knowledge and wisdom. If you have the period of Sun in your horoscope or you have Leo rashi you must get this yantra and perform Surya Gaytri mantra or Surya beej mantra minimum 27 times in front of this Yantra to ward off the evil effect of sun. Its is help full if you have hair fall or heart problem.

The yantras we offer here are energized for use of masses and they do work. We also do the specific energization in the name of the Individuals who want to use the yantra which gives better results. Please write us for giving us the required details to do so and the additional cost.


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